Gallery Life
New Artist is the Gallery
Studio + Gallery Coming Soon!
Studio Update
Frame It Right: Art Framing and Presentation Workshop
Art Supplies for Travel
I’m about to leave the country for seventeen days and am trying to do so with limited luggage. As such, I put together a travel capsule wardrobe.
But more fun than that was putting together a travel art supply kit. Since I pared it down to a limited selection of mix and match supplies, I’m thinking of it as a capsule, too.
A Tapestry of Influence: Rome’s Museums as Inspiration for Art and Design
There is much inspiration for contemporary art and design to be found in the historical collections in Rome’s museums.
Using Tonal Color in your Paintings
Using tonal color in painting.
Pattern Design: Learn to Draw a Repeating Pattern
Inspired by historic pattern design? Watch my Skillshare class to learn to draw a repeating pattern.